How to Make Use of Instagram Reels and Maximize Your Earnings

People changed how they use Instagram after the launch of Instagram reels on the platform. Instagram reels are short videos that can engage the audience for hours. Now, creators use this popular feature to increase their following and engagement. It is also a great source to maximize your earnings through promoting your goods and services, sponsored content, and monetizing your account.

If you’re a content creator and don’t know how to use Instagram reels to maximize earning, this blog post is perfect for you. You can earn a decent amount of money through your creative Instagram reels. But, it has some criteria that you should meet to monetize your account. This blog post will discuss everything you need to know about how to get paid reels or use other ways to make money from Instagram.

Let’s discuss how to make the most of the income from social media platforms!

Quick Introduction to Instagram Reels

Quick Introduction to Instagram Reels

Instagram reels are a popular feature that lets users create engaging short videos of 15 to 30 seconds. You can add music, filters, effects, stickers, and text, and use templates to create eye-catching IG reels to draw your targeted audience’s attention. You can create various types of Instagram reels, including:

  • Informative Reels
  • Entertainment Reels
  • Remix Reels

Can You Make Money Using Instagram Reels

Can You Make Money Using Instagram Reels

Yes, you can use Instagram reels to maximize earning. The reel play bonus program is no longer a way to earn money from Instagram reels. We will discuss some other ways to make money from IG reels. Instagram pays you based on the number of views your reels get. You can get a decent amount of money if more people watch your IG reel.  So, it is crucial to reach a larger audience and engage them with your content. We will discuss how to make money with Instagram reels, but first, follow the steps below to learn how to get more views on your insta reels.

How to Get More Views on Your IG Reels

Engaging your followers to increase online visibility is essential. There are different ways to engage a targeted audience with your creative content. Below are some points you must implement to get more views on Instagram reels.

  • Use Instagram Stories: To reach a larger audience, you can use Instagram’s various features, such as IG stories, reels, and IGTV.
  • Respond to Comments and Messages: You can respond to every comment on your posts and messages so your audience knows you’re professional.
  • Post Consistently: To keep your audience engaged, post Instagram reels consistently. It can also improve your chances of being discovered by a wider audience.
  • Add Relevant Hashtags: You can add trending and relevant hashtags, music, and filters, which can increase your chances of being discovered by people who are not already followers.
  • Collaborate with Other Creators: You can collaborate with other creators on Instagram to enhance your online visibility.

5 Ways to Make Money With Instagram Reels as Business

Become an Affiliate

Becoming an affiliate is another excellent way for creators to monetize their following and make money with Instagram. An affiliate receives a small commission on each sale made through their unique affiliate link without the requirement to set up their online shop, source products, or design a course. The more users sign up through your link, the higher your commission.

Add Shoppable Product Tags

Online stores that sell physical products can include shoppable product tags on their Reels to direct customers to their Shop, where they can purchase several amazing products. If you have a large inventory, such as a clothing store, you can create multiple reels to direct people to your Instagram account’s Shop section.

Instagram Gifts

The Instagram Gifts feature is only available to a few creators, allowing you to earn money directly from your audience. Check to see if your account is eligible for Instagram gifts. Your video viewers can buy stars and send them to you as gifts. You must have earned at least $25 through the program to withdraw your funds.

Promote a Subscription

If you have an Instagram creator account, you can provide exclusive content to your followers via a membership program. Instagram subscriptions are only available to creator accounts, enabling you to create additional content for those who pay to view it. It functions similarly to Patreon, but only for your Instagram followers.

You can select what you want to include in your subscription; however, some options include:

  • Live streams
  • Stories
  • Subscriber badges
  • Posts, Reels, and other exclusive content
  • Social channels
  • Broadcast channels

Enable Ads on Instagram

Advertising on Instagram is one of the ways to make money on the platform while tracking your progress. You can convert any post into an ad by boosting it, and your Instagram analytics will show you how much of an impact the boost had.


  • Claudia White

    Claudia White is a dedicated content creator with a passion for crafting engaging articles that educate and motivate. She earned her bachelor's degree in English Literature from Stanford University, where she developed a deep appreciation for storytelling and communication. Claudia thrives on delving into diverse subjects and sparking thought-provoking discussions among her readers. Each piece she writes embodies his commitment to excellence and originality, aiming to provide a meaningful and enriching experience for every reader. Claudia White believes in the transformative impact of well-crafted content and endeavors to create articles that resonate with a wide audience.

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Claudia White

Claudia White is a dedicated content creator with a passion for crafting engaging articles that educate and motivate. She earned her bachelor's degree in English Literature from Stanford University, where she developed a deep appreciation for storytelling and communication. Claudia thrives on delving into diverse subjects and sparking thought-provoking discussions among her readers. Each piece she writes embodies his commitment to excellence and originality, aiming to provide a meaningful and enriching experience for every reader. Claudia White believes in the transformative impact of well-crafted content and endeavors to create articles that resonate with a wide audience.

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